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Morpheus 8

Microneedling is a popular treatment for common concerns like lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, stretch marks, and more. Morpheus8 improves upon microneedling by adding radiofrequency energy for enhanced results. At Glow Up Aesthetics, we offer Morpheus8 as a minimally invasive treatment option that requires no downtime.

Quick Facts

  • Session Duration: 1 Hour
  • Visible Results: Immediate
  • Treatment Frequency: 4-6 Weeks

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a radiofrequency microneedling treatment. This means that it combines the controlled micro-injuries of microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to further stimulate collagen production and promote healthy cell turnover. Compared to standard microneedling, RF microneedling such as Morpheus8 reaches deeper layers of the skin for more effective rejuvenation. While improving the skin’s health and appearance, Morpheus8 also molds fat below the skin’s surface to enhance overall results. The result is more youthful, healthy, and smooth skin with reduced wrinkles, fine lines, skin laxity, scarring, and more.

Is Morpheus8 Right for Me?

Most patients are good candidates for Morpheus8, as the treatment is minimally invasive and low-risk. It is considered safe for all skin types and tones. The treatment is a good option for common skin concerns on the face, neck, chest, or other areas throughout the body. Some concerns that Morpheus8 can treat include:


  • Wrinkles, lines, and creases
  • Acne or acne scars
  • Sunspots and other sun damage
  • Skin laxity
  • Uneven pigmentation or texture
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks

What are the Benefits of Morpheus8?

  • Improved collagen production
  • No downtime
  • Minimized wrinkles, scars, skin laxity, or stretch marks

What Happens During Morpheus8 Treatment?

Before your Morpheus8 treatment begins, a topical numbing solution is applied to the treatment area to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. Once numbing has taken effect, the treatment will begin by applying the Morpheus8 handpiece to the skin. The microneedles will then puncture the skin while delivering radiofrequency energy before the handpiece can be moved to the next target area. This process typically takes about an hour to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area and other considerations. Following Morpheus8 treatment, no downtime is required and you can return to your normal routine. Some redness and sensitivity in the treatment area can be expected, but this should quickly resolve.

Morpheus8 Maintenance

After Morpheus8 treatment, you will notice redness, some slight swelling, and sensitivity. Some patients may also see minimal bruising. You should apply ointment to the treatment area according to your aftercare directions and take care to avoid direct sun exposure for at least 48 hours. Any residual redness can be covered with breathable makeup if you choose, and SPF should be applied daily.

Some Morpheus8 results are immediately noticeable, but you will see results continue to improve over the weeks following your treatment as new collagen develops. Most patients will require a series of treatments to reach their ideal results. During a consultation, a full treatment plan can be developed according to your unique needs and goals.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about Morpheus8, schedule a consultation at Glow Up Aesthetics. Call our Kalamazoo, MI office at (269) 692-5044 or contact us online to set up your first appointment.


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